Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tis' the Season

It's that time of year. A time for peace, and love. A time for fellowship, and generosity. The greatest gifts are not the gifts you receive, but the ones you give of yourself. In the spirit of the season I have decided to help out a fellow Zazzler. I am posting some links here for someone who's husband has recently lost his job. With the economy being the way it is, these are trying times for everyone, and I know what it is like to experience them. It's tough, but we all need to help each other out during those times, and I can only hope that the small thing I do assists her in making life better. Please stop and check out the Zazzle shops below, and have a safe and happy holiday! Thanks!

Rosie's Posies   

Rose's Roses

Cute Critters with Heart

Bouncing Babies with Heart

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